Fall minis special

It’s that time of the year again - time to capture those beautiful moments of yours against the gorgeous backdrop of the changing leaves. It’s fall minis time!!! And it’s my favorite!

Text or email me today to book yours!

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Small Business Saturday

Small business Saturday is fast approaching and I've got deals for you! As a way of saying "thank you" and giving my clients the best I can, this year I am offering 2 different deals:

- for those of you who received your galleries, but didn't buy all the images in them, I am offering a $15 discount on the purchase of the entire gallery (and if you already did, I've got a little something for you as well: a 8x10 image of your choice, just let me know which one you'd like and I'll deliver).
- for any future sessions, I am offering $25 off my regular-priced one-hour sessions scheduled for anytime in 2020.

Orders must be placed (and retainers for future sessions received) 11/29-12/02 in order to qualify for the discount.

Fall favorites

Hi friends,

I am so sad to be done with my fall minis for this year! Fall colors are my absolute favorites and I’m sad to see them go. That being said, I had such a blast doing them this year: I met so many amazing people and got to hang out with a few old friends (which is always such a treat!) I’m now thinking of what I can do next, but for now, enjoy some of my absolute favorites from the season!


Fall mini special offer

Hi friends,

Since September is here (and almost half-way done, what?!) I’ve decided what better time to start my annual fall mini sessions? And I know, I know, today’s high is supposed to be 90F here, but I’m looking ahead and getting in the fall spirit.

So without further ado, I present to you this year’s fall mini session offer!

Call or email me today to book your session, as spaces are somewhat limited, especially in September. Can’t wait to meet some new friends and see some old friends, I’m sure! This is going to be so much fun!!


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